Labelle, FL

C43 Reservoir – S476 Pump Station

Three vertical line shaft electric-driven pumps will help this reservoir promote water resiliency and environmental sustainability.

Stock image of Irrigation pumping station equipment

Value Delivered

We constructed a new, cutting-edge irrigation pumping station for the South Florida Water Management District. Pump Station S476 will serve the Caloosahatchee Reservoir, an 18-square-mile project that supports water quality in the Caloosahatchee Estuary. The project will help reduce harmful discharge of water from Lake Okeechobee in the wet season and provide beneficial freshwater during the dry season.

Client Objectives

This District undertook this project as a part of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP), a collaborative federal and state initiative which seeks to restore the Florida environment and make water resources more resilient.


During the project, our team provided:

  • Three vertical line shaft electric driven pumps, each with a nominal capacity of 65 cubic feet per second
  • Project management
  • Value engineering
  • Temporary steel pile cofferdam
  • Permanent steel pile and wingwall system
  • Dewatering
  • More than 7,100 cubic yards of reinforced cast-in-place concrete
  • More than 900 tons of reinforcing steel
  • Canal work/revetment
  • Earthwork
  • Installation of 72- and 54-inch steel pipe
  • Control building
  • Mechanical/HVAC work
  • Electrical work
  • Instrumentation and controls

Pump station S476 is functionally tested and commissioned; however, some features were designed in anticipation of future CERP expansions. We constructed a temporary discharge line that returns water from the pumping station to the Townsend Canal. The permanent discharge feature will be a control structure that discharges into the Perimeter Canal, which is to be constructed in a subsequent project.

Client Background    

The South Florida Water Management District is a regional governmental district that oversees water resources from Orlando to the Florida Keys. We have a long-standing relationship with the district and have completed more than 100 projects for them.